
Hong Kong Taxation:Law & Practice 2011-12 Edition, Ayesha Macpherson Lau and Garr, 9789629964863, 中文大學 , 書局, 網路書店, 金石堂,

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Hong Kong Taxation:Law & Practice 2011-12 Edition,作者:Ayesha Macpherson Lau and Garr,出版社:中文大學,ISBN:9789629964863


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有關Hong Kong Taxation:Law & Practice 2011-12 Edition的詳細介紹如下:

Hong Kong Taxation:Law & Practice 2011-12 Edition,作者:Ayesha Macpherson Lau and Garr,出版社:中文大學,ISBN:9789629964863

《Hong Kong Taxation:Law & Practice 2011-12 Edition》

Wide Coverage: The book covers the major areas of Hong Kong taxation—Property Tax, Salaries Tax, Profits Tax, Personal Assessment and Stamp Duty. It explains the principles and practice of taxation law with relevant tax cases, Board of Review decisions and contains numerous practical examples. The current edition includes the 2011-12 budget changes and the latest developments in taxation. Included in the chapter which examines international tax issues is a new section on Hong Kong taxation issues for Mainland investors into Hong Kong.

Distinguished Authorship: Originally written by David Flux, the book is updated annually by experienced tax professionals of KPMG, an international network of member firms offering audit, tax and advisory services.

Conciseness: The text is written in a clear and concise manner. Technical jargon is kept to a minimum
Quick and Easy Reference: Court cases, Board of Review decisions and relevant sections of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, Inland Revenue Rule and Stamp Duty Ordinance are indexed for quick and easy reference.

Hong Kong Taxation:Law & Practice 2011-12 Edition,作者:Ayesha Macpherson Lau and Garr,出版社:中文大學,ISBN:9789629964863

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